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Building a Sports Powerful Country

On September 2, 2019, The General Office of the State Council issued 《The Outline of Building a Sports Powerful Country》. The outline proposed that by 2035, more than 45 percent of the people will take part in physical exercise, the per capita area of sports venues will reach 2.5 square meters, the qualified rate of the national physical fitness standard will exceed 92 percent. By 2050, we will build China into a modern socialist sports power, with the physical quality and health level of the people, the comprehensive strength of sports, and international influence ranking first in the world. The goal of moving to a sports power requires us to complete the following tasks. First, establish a nationwide fitness service system covering urban and rural areas, constantly improve the level of citizens’ basic sports needs. We will meet or exceed the level of moderately developed countries in terms of government investment in mass sports, the organization level of mass sports, the proportion of people who often participate in sports activities, the area of sports venues per capita, and the number and quality of social instructors. Second, we should persist in reforming and improving the nationwide system of competitive sports, expand and consolidate the project foundation and talent foundation of competitive sports, maintain the superior projects, strengthen potential superior projects, focus on the development of basic major events represented by track and field and swimming, and collective ball games represented by basketball, football and volleyball, and steadily develop professional sports, Cultivate and bring up a group of sports stars and sports brand events with world influence. Third, continue to expand opening-up, deepen reform, remove the institutional and institutional barriers that restrict the development of the sports industry, and on the basis of vigorously developing the sports industry, focus on cities, youth,

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